It's been a rough October.
For me, this month began with high hopes that were crushed rather quickly. I have been dealing with heartache, school stress, betrayal, and worry. I'm not going to sit here and say I've stayed positive through all of this- I haven't. For weeks, I've been just trying to get by without losing my mind or failing any exams, and that's been just about all I could handle.
As the month comes to a close, though, I'm starting to be okay again. As the season has transitioned from scorching summer to breezy, beautiful autumn, I have moved into a new season of my life as well. I've made several decisions in the past few weeks that have drastically changed the direction of my path- but I know that it's all for the best. I fully believe that God has been steering me in this direction for a long time, preparing me sufficiently before calling me to make these decisions. Isn't it cool how God does that? There are so many struggles that I've gone through this year that I did not understand the purpose of at all, and now everything is coming together beautifully. As my favorite verse, Ecclesiastes 3:11, says: "[God] has made everything beautiful in its time." And so, while I'll admit that the stress has been painful and almost unbearable at times, I am glad for the ways that I have grown through it.
As I move along this path that now heads in a new, exciting direction, I don't want to miss a single moment of what God has for me. I know I say things to that effect a lot, but to me, it seems I cannot express my excitement about God's plan enough. When I think about the fact that He is constantly working, without sleeping, and bringing things together for the good of those who love Him, my heart swells with a joy that can only come from the Lord of all creation.
In the back of my mind, I always expect that there will soon come a point when things stop changing, and growing up will be boring instead of so wonderfully exciting. But you know, with a God like mine, I don't think that will ever happen. He is constantly revealing more of His infinite coolness.
How has God revealed his "coolness" to you lately?