My life is a lot easier than most: I have a roof over my head. I never have to worry about not having food to eat. I have a car to drive. I have great parents. I never really struggled in school. Even though my friends are few, they are wonderful. In all honesty, I've never even had my heart broken. I don't really have any regrets.
Don't get me wrong. My life isn't perfect, by any means. I struggle with a lot of things that most people don't even know about. But I know that I am truly blessed- far more blessed than I deserve.
So how is that fair? Why am I living the good life, while others suffer? Where is the justice?
I've asked God those questions over and over again for years. When I didn't get an answer, I was frustrated. I was worried that people would think I was spoiled, and that they would resent me. I love listening to people talk about themselves, and I was worried that people wouldn't want to confide in me if they thought I didn't understand. I've tried being overly dramatic (I still am sometimes), and making things seem worse than they really are so that it looked like I was having just as hard of a time as anybody. It was silly. Really, why pretend to be sad, when I am so very happy?
The answer to the 3 questions that I asked before (about justice) hit me a couple of weeks ago:
I was born to be a fighter.
Everyone has their own challenges. Some struggle with poverty. Some with grades. People struggle with domestic abuse, self-harm, insecurity, family, drugs, etc. It's all hard. It all hurts. I've been deeply hurt by a few of these things myself. But I have watched people close to me be hit a lot harder, and they've been struck down.
I haven't been hit hard enough to be knocked down quite yet. My challenge is to fight for those who have.
So, what do I do now? First, I need to remember that I am standing in the midst of a very real war.
"For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." ~Ephesians 6:12 (New Living Translation)
As soon as I start fighting, arrows are going to be flying straight at do I stay standing?
"Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm." ~Ephesians 6:13
Just as the world that we are fighting is unseen, the armor that this verse talks about is invisible as well. As listed in Ephesians 6:14-17, the armor of God is made up of the following:
- The Belt of Truth
- The Body Armor of God's Righteousness
- The Shoes of Peace (peace that comes from the Good News)
- The Shield of Faith
- The Helmet of Salvation
- The Sword of the Spirit (The Spirit is the Word of God)
Finally, in order to stay standing, I need a refuge.
The LORD is my Rock, my Fortress and my Savior...He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety." ~Psalm 18:2
Staying under the wing of God, and the shelter He creates, is done by crying out to Him through prayer.
"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." ~Ephesians 6:18
"Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." ~Ephesians 6:18
I won't stand still in this war. I have been blessed, and I choose to take the joy that those blessings have given me, and use it to strengthen me in the fight.
I am a warrior for the Lord of Heaven's armies.
I am a warrior for the Lord of Heaven's armies.
So, how about you? Will you join me, and fight on the winning side?
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