Sometimes, it's a review of a previous lesson- that constant realization that He's in control, that He is constant, that He never fails. But then there are days that He reveals more of Himself to me- and while that part of Him has always existed, unchanging, it is new and glorious to me.
I think the most awesome thing that I have learned, and that I continue learning every day, is the omnipresence of God. He is everywhere: every situation, every trial, every triumph. In each new second that is given to me, I encounter something new. There are moments- that sometimes turn into days, weeks, even months- in which I doubt that God will stay with me. Every time, I learn that He will. He is everywhere, He is all-powerful, and He will help me through each new moment.
A hunger aching in my very soul
A fire raging, uncontrolled
His eternity I cannot comprehend
What could it be to have no end?
He is greater than the widest sea
Yet He pours His love into the least of me
No sin could hold me anymore
No pain or sorrow or fearful war
My God is greater than the strongest of these
And His mercy meets me on my knees
No fault too ugly, no sin too dark
It was to conquer these, that nails left their mark
On the hands of my Savior, covered in blood
It is only through Him that we rise above
“Victory is ours!” We’ll joyfully scream
As we stand before God, forever