I've been haunted by that question for the past week. Lately, I've been feeling like my days are so busy that they just fly by...but it seems like I'm not getting near as much done as some people I know. So about a week ago, I asked myself, "What did you do today?"
My answer was something like this: I went to class. I did some homework. I studied. I watched Flashpoint on Netflix. And I spent a little bit too much time clicking that little red square known as a Facebook notification.
I'll be the first to admit to how lame that is. Seriously? I did homework, watched TV, and played around on Facebook? I'm not in high school anymore. There's nothing wrong with taking it easy sometimes, and it's certainly true that I have more classes on some days than others, so those days go by much more quickly. However, as I continued to assess how I was consistently spending my days, I became pretty disappointed. I could be spending my time in much better ways.
Here is the conclusion I've come to. If I call myself a Christ-follower, I'd better be spending my time following Him- and honestly, I doubt that that involves very much time spent on Facebook obsessing over who likes my status. If I call myself a musician, I should spend more time cultivating my art. If I call myself a writer, you guys should probably be seeing my posts pop up in your feed more often, and I should spend more time reading and drawing inspiration from other writers. If I call myself a student, I should be more diligent in my studies. If I'm majoring in journalism, I should spend more time reading/watching the news. The list goes on, but I think you get my point. I don't just get to be whatever I say I am- I have to work at it. It wasn't until I realized exactly how much time I've been spending watching television and surfing social networking sites that it hit me that I could have done so much more with my life by now.
So I'm turning around tonight. Don't worry, I'm not going to go crazy and shut down my Facebook and Twitter and never watch TV again...but I believe in self-control. Facebook is a great tool for communicating, and I even use it for school sometimes- so I will definitely still use it, but sparingly. Twitter is fun, but I'm going to be thinking a lot more about what I tweet and how often I check my feed. I'm definitely not going to keep Netflix open in the next tab like I often do (I'm so embarrassed). I am so excited about how God is going to use me once I'm not a slave to these things and I'm free to just follow where He leads me.
I know that everyone is at different places in their lives, and I'm not going to stand on a soapbox and tell you to do the same as me. However, I do know that Christians are called to drop everything and follow Christ. Right now, for me, that means dropping those things that I've been wasting my time on. It could mean something completely different for you. What is God calling you to drop in order to follow Him more closely?
"Then Jesus said to his followers, 'If people want to follow me, they must give up the things they want. They must be willing even to give up their lives to follow me.'"
Matthew 16:24 (NCV)