Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Still at Home (Trusting God pt. 1)

If you haven't read my last entry, you might want to go ahead and read it through in order to understand the context for this one.  

God's plan is usually much different than mine- and always so much better.

I'm still living at home, even though I always thought I'd be living on my own by now.  In the particular town that I live in (one of those which everyone is desperate to get out of but no one ever does), the idea of still living with my parents at almost 20 years old, as a full-time student with no job, is downright concerning.  As much as I love my parents, my room, and my dog, I always hoped that I would move away at the ripe age of 18 and start a new life at some huge university like UGA.  Since I was 16 or 17, I have wanted to major in journalism and be a big time broadcast news reporter.  The idea of creeping up on 20 years old and still living at home, going to the local college and changing majors like shoes, would have made me want to cry.

As I have spent these first two years of college at home, though, God has done things through me that would not have worked so well if I were living on my own.  I see now that He has been very carefully guiding me along the path that would lead me towards the right time to move out.  If I had gone away to college in my freshman year, I would not have been able to afford the many times I've changed my major, and I may not have been at a school which would have the music education program that I now need.  More importantly, I would not have met the people who are my best friends in the world today.

In 6 months, I will be moving into an apartment with 3 godly young women and going to the school which has been God's plan for me all along.  I will be a student of music education with the piano as my major instrument.  This plan is beyond my wildest dreams but only an inkling of what God has in store for me.

A lot of the time, trusting God doesn't make sense- but, knowing what I know now, I have no excuse not to trust Him.

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