Part One: {Still at Home}
Part Two: {Never Had a Boyfriend}
This one probably seems a little absurd. I mean, of course I'm not a famous singer. Obviously. It's not exactly something to get upset about, close my eyes, and say, "I'm trusting God through this."
Or is it?
Anyone who knows me knows that my passion for music burns in the very core of who I am. Somehow, it's intertwined with every part of my life- my faith, my relationships, how I spend my time. Even when I was as young as ten years old, my mom would say that it seemed physically painful for me when I went too long without playing the piano. The same is true today, except that now my need to sing- often- is almost just as strong. I'm not the girl that doodles "music = life" on her notebooks. I'm the one who spends so much time working on her music that everyone already knows she can't breathe without it.

Well, I'm nineteen now. My desire to reach people with the Gospel through music remains firm within me. However, that desire has evolved over the years into something much different than simply wanting to be a rockstar. Today, I am a college student majoring in music education so that I can be the best piano teacher and worship leader I can be. Instead of needing to be center stage, I am perfectly content playing the keyboard in the back if that is where God has placed me. It took a lot of humbling experiences, especially in the past year, to get me to this point.
So, yes, I'm trusting God even in this life where I am not a famous singer. I'll tell you why.
God made me a musician. I will always be, by my very nature, a musician. I have come to have complete faith that, no matter where I end up, as long as I am using my gifts to glorify Him, all is well.
I don't want to be famous, but I will use everything He has given me to make Him famous.
"As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God...
If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen."
~1 Peter 4:10-11~
Disclaimer: Photograph found on Pinterest. Good luck finding its origin.
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